Jackson Funeral Service and Crematory ~ Hendersonville ~ North Carolina ~ Henderson County ~ NC ~ Traditional Burial ~ Cremation ~ Green Burial ~ Body Donation ~ Pre-Arrangements

            Body Donation

  The ultimate gift is the one of anatomical donation. By donating your body, it gives students from many different areas of study; from doctors, dentists, to funeral directors, the opportunity to learn on a much higher level. Donated bodies can be used for teaching surgery and operations to improve the medical field. Your consideration to donate your body after death can enhance the quality of life for others and help support medical research and educational endeavors. We recommend that you pre-register with a medical school in your area.

  Each school has different policies and procedures which are explained in their registration packet. Acceptance or rejection of a donated body is a decision the medical school makes at the time of donation. Under the law, the institution has the right to reject any body donation for any reason.

  Most medical schools have a great need for donated bodies. Unlike organ and tissue donation there are no upper age limits for donating your body for anatomical study. The school will make every effort to accept the donation unless there are medical contraindications.

  Even though you or your loved one decides to give an anatomical gift, it does not mean that you cannot have a viewing, visitation or service before hand at a funeral home of your choice.

  The following are links to colleges in North Carolina that offer body donation programs. Click on them for more information from each university. If you would like information about a school from another state, please e-mail or call us and we will get the information you need.

Duke University

East Carolina University

Wake Forest University

UNC Chapel Hill